

The interest in presentations about equestrian culture is growing in scientific circles as well as in heritage institutions and in the horse scene.

If you are interested in presentations for your event, your symposium or as guest lecture of your study course,

I’m happy to hear from you!


Selected Contributions to Conferences and Symposia



Presentation "The Water Management System of Augsburg - World Heritage since 5 years"

Conference on the five years jubilee of the Czech National Stud as World Heritage Site

National Stud Kladruby nad Labem, Czechia



Presentation "Welterbe: Unser Auftrag!"

Start of the winter-lectures "Water Values"

World Heritage Information Centre Augsburg, Germany



Presentation "The Water Management System of Augsburg"

Conference on the World Heritage nomination of the Ribeira Sacra region

Monastery San Estevo de Ribas de Sil, Ribeira Sacra, Spain



Presentation "The Stables of the Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Wörlitz: new life for historic buildings"

The Attingham Trust and The Institute of Continuing Education

Madingley Hall, University of Cambridge, UK



Presentation "Welterbe in Sachsen-Anhalt"

University of Technology, Bergakademie, Freiberg, Germany


October 9th, 2021:

Presentation "Stable Design and Horse Care in Renaissance and Modern Europe" 

Equine History Collective, together with Sarah Duncan (online)


May 12th, 2021:

Presentation "European Stud Culture - Living History"

Falkland Society, Scotland (online)


January 24th, 2020:

Presentation "Prachtkerle für Prachtkutschen: vom Wagenpferd zum Welterbe"

Symposium accompanying the special exhibition "Wedding, Steady, Go. En Route to the Wedding of the Century 1719"

Museum of Transport, Dresden, Germany


December 1st, 2018:

Presentation "European State Studs - Living History"

Equine History Conference: Why Equine Heritage Matters

Equine History Collective, W.K. Kellogg Arabian Horse Library, Kellogg Arabian Horse Center

University Cal Poly Pomona, USA


October 19th and 20th, 2018:

Presentations "Von der Gestüterey: die Zucht edler Rösser" and "Parks und Kulturlandschaften für Pferde"

Symposium: (M)ein Königreich für ein Pferd - Hippomanie am Hofe  (My Kingdom for a Horse - Hippomania at Court)

Foundation of Palaces and Gardens of Thuringia in cooperation with the Federal Museum of Thuringia Heidecksburg Castle, Rudolstadt, Germany


September 19th to 28th, 2018:

Contributions to the Attingham Study Programme "The Horse and the Country House"

The Attingham Trust for the Study of Historic Houses and Collections, Great Britain


March 22nd, 2018:

Presentation "Noble coach horses for the court: The imperial stud Kladrub on the Elbe and the Oldkladruby horse"

Horses and Courts: The Reins of Power: An International Symposium

Organised by the University of Kent's Centre for Studies in the Long Eighteenth Century, the Society for Court Studies and the Wallace Collection London, England


February 21st, 2018:

Presentation: "Von weißen Beißern, wilden Bleesern und edlen Rössern – Die europäischen Staatsgestüte damals und heute"

former court stud Bleesern, Saxony - Anhalt, Germany (with Thomas Lang)


January 25th - 27th, 2018:

Presentation "Beauty in Harness - The imperial coach horses of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, their decline and their renaissance"

The CAA / CWF International Carriage Symposium

Colonial Williamsburg, USA


October 20th, 2017:

Presentation "Hauptgestüt Trakehnen - ein Mythos und seine Wurzeln in Anhalt-Dessau"

Pre-programme of the annual meeting of the Dessau-Wörlitz Society

Federal State Archive of Saxony-Anhalt at Dessau, Germany


May 25th, 2017:

Presentation "Preserving cultural landscapes shaped by centuries of horse breeding"

International conference "Cultural Landscape Conservation: The Organization of Cultural Landscapes with Special Regard to Horse Breeding"

National Stud Kladruby nad Labem, Czech Republic


May 20th, 2017:

Presentation "Czech National Stud Kladruby nad Labem - interpreting a living heritage site"

Interpret Europe Spring Event "Crossing Borders" at Prague, Czech Republic


March 2nd, 2017:

Presentation "Europäische Staatsgestüte - lebendiges Kulturerbe von internationalem Rang"

Zweibrücken State Stud, Germany


November 5th, 2016:

Presentation "Europäische Staatsgestüte und ihre Bedeutung für Fahrsport und Fahrkultur"

Annual meeting of the driving division of the German Riders and Drivers Association at Wiehl, Germany


September 21st, 2016 and February 18th, 2017:

Presentations „European State Studs - A Living Heritage“

National Stud Kladruby nad Labem, Czech Republic


July 9th, 2016:

Presentation „Europäische Staatsgestüte – lebendiges Kulturerbe“

Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, International Symposium of Historians „Menschen und Tiere zwischen Mittelalter und Moderne“, Germany


April 29th, 2016

Presentation „Gestüte – Parkanlagen und Kulturlandschaften für Pferde, Reiter und Gespanne“

Symposium of Garden Historians at the Foundation Fürst-Pückler-Park Bad Muskau, Germany/Poland


February 17th, 2016 and June 20th, 2016

Presentations „Die Bedeutung staatlicher Gestüte – gestern, heute und in der Zukunft“

Free University of Berlin, Guest lectures in the Equine Science study course, Germany


March 14th, 2015

Presentation „Die Rolle der Nationalgestüte für die Erhaltung der traditionellen Fahrkultur und die Förderung des modernen Fahrsports“

XXIV. International Driving Symposium at Gunzenhausen / Germany


July 4th, 2014

Presentation “Living stud culture – challenges and opportunities”

Festival of European Stud Culture at Marbach State Stud / Germany


October 30th, 2013

Poster “Lebendige Gestütskultur erhalten und wertschätzen”

Symposium of the German Commission to UNESCO about intangible heritage at Berlin / Germany


June 16th, 2013

Presentation “European stud culture – a forgotten heritage?”

International Conference on Heritage Interpretation at Sigtuna / Sweden


October 13th, 2012

Poster “Marbach State Stud – Preserving a cultural landscape shaped by 500 years of horse breeding”

ICOMOS conference “Cultural Landscape: Preservation Challenges in the 21st century”

Rutgers University at New Brunswick, New Jersey / USA


May 10th, 2012

Presentation “The national and traditional studs as sites of touristic attraction for local and socio‐economic development”

Symposium: Horses, tourism and leisure, international scale – local development

University of Angers and Institut français du cheval et de l'équitation at Saumur / France


March 15th, 2012

Presentation „Das Hauptgebäude des Haupt- und Landgestüts Marbach, Untersuchungen zur Baugeschichte“

Meeting of historians at Gomadingen / Germany


November 23th, 2011 and January 17th, 2012

Presentation „Die Europäischen Staatsgestüte gestern und heute“

Lectures at the University for Economics and Environment Nürtingen-Geislingen / Germany


October 13th, 2011

Presentation „The European State Studs – A European Heritage”

Days of European Stud Culture, Symposium on the cultural heritage of the European state studs at National Stud Lipica / Slovenia


June 15th, 2011

Presentation „Bauforschung und Kulturlandschaft - Das Haupt- und Landgestüt Marbach als Forschungsobjekt der Internationalen Graduiertenschule“

20th jubilee celebration of the Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus / Germany